Researchers studied three million Scandinavian adult women to see if the HPV vaccine had any connection to 44 chronic diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, thyroid disease, epilepsy and even celiac disease. They did raise one small exception: celiac disease.


If we could do something now for celiac research to help get some answers, then maybe we won’t have to worry about celiac in our grandchildren.


With approximately 300 symptoms related to celiac disease, researchers in two separate studies looked closely at two of them: infertility and insomnia. What they could be telling you about celiac disease.


Ongoing research on arsenic, a level 1 carcinogen, in rice and those who eat a gluten free diet. What can we do to reduce the risk, when we eat a diet heavy in rice?


A new evaluation of research regarding bone fractures with celiac disease reveals info you should know when you are diagnosed with celiac, plus some questions you can talk to your doctor about, if bone density hasn’t been discussed.


So many gluten free labeled products are on the market, but how diligent have companies been to make sure they truly are gluten free? A new report out this week looks at what’s accurate, and what’s not.


It might give you the creepy-crawlies, but it’s true– new research claims treating celiac with hookworms may be the future! But believe it or not, this is a treatment that we have heard about before….


Celiac Disease and Crohn’s Disease have already been considered “sister diseases”, new research just found the two may be even more closely related. Find out what that could mean for both diseases.


Wouldn’t it be great to cross another ingredient off the “forbidden” list for celiacs? While I’m not endorsing hydrolyzed wheat flour yet (it did take me about 3 years to buy gluten-free oats after they were deemed safe as long as there was no cross contamination), this is a topic that is definitely worth keeping up on.


I really haven’t heard of “potential celiac disease” — turns out it is real and if you’ve ever had blood and biopsy testing with opposing results, you may want to read this article.


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