Celiac disease can impact many parts of the body, but did you know celiac and heart disease can also be connected? It’s American Heart Month– find out what you need to know.


February 24th, 2014

There is evidence that Kennedy may have actually suffered from celiac disease along with many other ailments he had (some of the ailments could in my layman’s perspective be considered symptoms of celiac.)

This is not new information however. Kennedy’s health records came out more than 10 years ago and that is when the celiac discussion began. But that doesn’t mean the subject isn’t worth revisiting


New research shows further evidence that untreated celiac disease wreaks havoc on the body and you may not even realize it; especially in children. This is the latest in three studies released just this month on the relationship between untreated celiac and bone health.


December 28th, 2008

Coming up in January, I will be going gluten-free and living the lifestyle of a person with celiac disease. Why am I doing this? Read on…


Today ABC News posted an article about how celiac disease is still considered a health issue that is met with others’ skepticism. Do these so-called skeptics not think it’s real that I had a daughter who could have died as her health deteriorated dramatically in the months before her celiac diagnosis? This is a topic I get fiesty about — read on.


The emotions can run wild as parents — feeling guilty after you’ve found out you handed down not just your beautiful blue eyes but your genetic predisposition to celiac disease. Maybe you don’t have it, but now your son or daughter does and you never saw it coming. Now you’re walloped with guilt and sadness. What’s next?


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