The term Celiac Disease Autoimmunity came across my desk this last week. Am I the only one who hadn’t heard of this before? People with it need to eat gluten free so why not just call it celiac disease? So I did a little investigating for clarification.


Gluten Freedom. The new book provides reliable information for anyone on their gluten free journey.


Autoimmune diseases affect millions of Americans. An expert weighs in on how you may be able to prevent AI issues or be better able to manage them.


March 13th, 2014

With nearly 24 million people living with autoimmune (AI) disease, it is amazing to note that about 75% of those cases are in women! Celiac disease is considered an autoimmune disease that affects more women than men. Why do more women get and AI disease? Plus, what should we be looking for?


February 24th, 2014

There is evidence that Kennedy may have actually suffered from celiac disease along with many other ailments he had (some of the ailments could in my layman’s perspective be considered symptoms of celiac.)

This is not new information however. Kennedy’s health records came out more than 10 years ago and that is when the celiac discussion began. But that doesn’t mean the subject isn’t worth revisiting


Could the gluten free diet help someone with celiac beat their fibromyalgia symptoms too?


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