Is there such a thing as a celiac-friendly work event? Earlier this month I posted a blog about navigating work lunches, parties and happy hours with the gluten-free diet. I asked readers to chime in on what they do. I was genuinely surprised at most of the answers, and what I may have learned about myself.


November 17th, 2008

Where are the best places for gluten-free getaways? Plus where are some of the most challenging places, you may be surprised at the answer. In this post I interview an expert on the best gluten-free vacation locales and have a few suggestions of my own all based on availability of gluten-free food. Read on!


A newly released study shows there is new technology that could help more-quickly test ingredients to ensure they are gluten-free! How they’re doing it and why that could help you…read on.


November 14th, 2008

Living a gluten-free lifestyle may make you shy away from going on vacation. But now you have no excuses! With the help of a new website catering to the gluten-free traveller, you can make good decisions to create the best gluten-free vacation possible. See where some of the best locations for you are right now!


November 12th, 2008

What if someone asked you to take in a child with celiac disease? Could or would you do it? It happened to our family, when an exchange student needed a gluten-free home for the school year. Read on as you hear about the work that went into it and the payoff for our family. It could work for you too.


Managing the gluten-free lifestyle is definitely an interesting adventure that never quiets down. First it is figuring how to live gluten-free at home, then you’re ready to adventure out. This post focuses on our journey that impacted our home and continues to impact our celiac daughter’s social life and friends. Read more….


Whether you are new to the gluten-free diet or are looking to try new, and recommended, foods without wasting a bunch of money, check out this comprehensive list put together by parents with gluten-free children.


Vomiting, diarrhea, that distended belly, fatigue, weak bones, short attention span, difficulty learning, low iron, undiagnosed celiac disease can come out in so many different ways, which is why it can be hard for doctors to pinpoint this diagnosis. It took us three months to get a diagnosis which is good, but for many others it is longer. If you are going through not knowing what’s wrong with you our your child, please read this you may learn alot.


The challenge of cooking a gluten-free Thanksgiving meal at first was a weight on my shoulders. But now with several years under my belt and a cooking routine going, it goes very smoothly. And it tastes great! Here’s what I’ve learned and hopefully it can help you!


Awareness of the gluten-free diet is evolving and along with it are restaurants’ choices for people with celiac disease. I recently visited Wildfire with my family. I concluded it’s a place worth going back to, many times over. Why? Read on….


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