Minnesota’s Cooqi Gluten Free is back. See the journey it took to keep crusts at your fave GF pizza places and to prepare mixes for all of us to enjoy.


Gluten free food is so expensive why would we just GIVE it to someone? Turns out we should try. There is a need for gluten-free food at your local food bank.


Successful gluten-free businesses are suddenly coming to a close — “….the unthinkable happened….Gluten-Free went mainstream,” says one gluten-free business owner in the Twin Cities who’s just days from closing his doors. Is the gluten-free diet trend actually killing some gluten-free businesses?


If you ever doubted the high cost of gluten-free specialty foods, a relatively new study out of Canada slaps us all in the face with the incredible cost of those foods. Sometimes you have no choice but to buy them (gluten-free pretzels/pasta/pizza), but this post looks at other ways to save on gluten-free food and my theory on why it’s all so expensive.


We’re in a recession, lay-offs are happening often, in all, the US economy is stinkin’ up the place. But the bright light in all of this:gluten-free food companies. Business is booming and, even better, growing! Why? You can’t credit only celiac disease…


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