Gluten-free food at college, cheap mac and cheese and handling the drama of the holidays– while on a gluten-free diet.


Sending your celiac child off to school can be scary for any mother. You just never quite know what they’re doing (or what they’re eating). Suddenly your child’s diet is out of your control at least for one meal. What can you do to ensure your child is not getting anything with gluten — even in class? Check out this post.


My daughter’s school doesn’t start classes until the day after Labor Day, but an email I recently received from my daughter’s cafeteria supervisor got me thinking about the other things I need to do to get my daughter’s teachers on the gluten-free bandwagon for the upcoming school year.


Are autism and celiac disease linked? This new research out of the Mayo Clinic offers new insight into the two health issues.


Celiac disease is a challenge – no doubt about it. But so many people around the world have it worse than we do. Sure the gluten-free diet goes against everything that is Americana food: buns, stuffing, bread, pie, cake, donuts, etc… This post explores why we have reason to stop and be thankful.


10 weeks into their gluten-free product, Starbucks is discontinuing it…Moms with celiac may have a greater chance of having a child with autism…and yum yum, I name my favorite gluten-free roll — so far….


Public schools are starting to come around, launching school lunch menus with gluten-free options. I talked with one expert who spearheaded the gluten-free menu in my child’s district about how the inaugural year went, the challenges and the things that can be improved upon. Plus, what your district should consider when starting a gluten-free menu.


Freaked out at the idea of asking for gluten-free accommodations for your child? The idea can be overwhelming. Ease your angst and empower yourself with some quick tips that could help you with your foray into gluten-free school lunches.


A new survey by The Savvy Celiac finds most people don’t like the proposed 20 ppm gluten standard for foods labeled gluten free. They ask the question, Shouldn’t “free” mean zero? But it may not be that simple.


Welcome to one of the most heated topics on and in the celiac community in general. If you’re new to celiac disease and the gluten-free diet now is the time to get educated about a proposal that is likely to become a US standard and may affect the way you shop for gluten-free food. If you’re a veteran, you may enjoy a peek into the passion of your fellow celiacs.


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